VC Plans Pricing

Virtual class room is a service that allow a group of users communicate togther in real-time

You can use your voice and share your cam and your screen


12.0 $/Monthly

For Individuals

  • Number of seats 50

  • Cloud/GB 1

  • Attendance Report

  • Ratings

  • Identity customization



29.86 $/Monthly

For Individuals

  • Number of seats 100

  • Cloud/GB 2

  • Attendance Report

  • Ratings

  • Identity customization



54.93 $/Monthly

For Webinars

  • Number of seats 150

  • Cloud/GB 4

  • Attendance Report

  • Ratings

  • Identity customization



100.0 $/Monthly

For Organizations

  • Number of seats 250

  • Cloud/GB 6

  • Attendance Report

  • Ratings

  • Identity customization



100.0 $/Monthly
  • Number of Rooms 5

  • Number of seats 100

  • Cloud/GB 25


Pro Plus

150.0 $/Monthly
  • Number of Rooms 10

  • Number of seats 200

  • Cloud/GB 50

  • ” Zamn provides you with unique rooms, full and clear permissions to manage them and control attendance, everything is clear and in order “

    Woman Avatar
    Samia Alfadhli
    CEO - Pencil Academy

    ” I tried Zamn E-rooms and found it easy to use both as a trainer and as a trainee, because I don't have to download anything! I liked that they provide helpful features like statistics and saving recordings, you don't need assistance in managing it unlike other platforms, and it's all in Arabic! “

    Hasan Aljuony
    Training Supervisor - Educational Training and Scholarship Department in Riyadh - Ministry of Education
  • ” We've been using the E-rooms since the establishment of our company in 2008, most of our meetings are held online, we tried all the companies and platforms, but Zamn is the right choice, you'll be highly satisfied with their services “

    Woman Avatar
    Manal Khan
    Director General - CompleUnits for Consultancy and Business Solutions
You can try the platform's full features for 7 days by registering only Payment method isn't required